Thursday, May 26, 2016

Support Surrounds Us

We recently have completed two fundraisers with the help of Michelle’s parents planning skills and the support of family and friends!  First, we did a work day at the church and earned $450 towards our home study.
We will be doing another work day June 4th 8am-12noon. If you would like to donate 4 hours of your time to earn money for our adoption fund please contact Michelle or Adam.

This past weekend our Fishburn Church held a funfest for the church and community. Michelle's mom organized a bake sale for our adoption. We are so very thankful for everyone who took time to bake for this fundraiser and who came out to support us!  We raised $936. 

Because of these awesome fundraisers and donations from friends and family we now have enough money for our home study.  Once we are approved from our home study, we will apply to a country. This is called dossier fees. We are now working on raising the money for these fees.

Also, once our home study is complete, we will be able to apply to grants to help with the cost.

We are excited that we are in our first waiting phase. We have completed (FINGERS CROSSED) all of the requirements for the home study. We now wait for paperwork to come back.

Most of the questions we are being asked we can’t answer yet. Questions such as: What country are you adopting from? What is your time frame? When are you expected to hear next? How old will the child be? When will you be matched? Etc.  Once a country has approved us, we will have a much better idea of what is happening next and specifics. Each country has their own program with their own rules and schedules.

Praises: Our Psychological Evaluation is complete
Our trainings are complete and all passed
The success of our fundraisers
The generosity of our family and friends

Prayers: We have completed everything correctly for the home study

That our home study is scheduled shortly!

Below is a link to our Gofundme account.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

A journey of gains and losses.

We have completed another fundraiser. On Saturday, a few wonderful people from our church gathered together to clean and do projects around the building. Rather then everyone getting paid, all of the money was donated to our adoption. Because of everyone’s hard work, we now have $450 more in our adoption account.  We also have received some very generous donations from people whom we love so much. WE are extremely grateful.

We have completed 2/3 sessions for our psychological evaluation. We have also completed 4/5 training sessions needed for our home study. We are coming to the end of our list! We are ready for this next step.


We are on a journey that started many years ago. A journey that has been filled with heartache, questions, uncertainty, love, laughter, joy, and peace.  A journey we feel is blessed by God and lead by God. A journey that is hard, really hard. A journey that is a rollercoaster…. the kind that makes your stomach drop but you want to ride it over and over!  A journey that is beautiful and messy.

This week I heard from yet another doctor that the likelihood of me getting pregnant is slim to non. I have heard this before, we have prayed and pondered and discussed our next step.  That doesn’t make hearing it any easier. Each time is another part of our rollercoaster.

When Adam and I learned, 3 years ago, that I had endometriosis and needed surgery we prepared for everything. We researched all of our options, talked about every outcome, probably over talked if you ask Adam. 

We cried. We prayed. We hugged. We showed love. We researched. We listened.

We chose. We chose our path. We want this. We feel God wants this. We are ready. We are happy. We still grieve.

Our training today talked about how birth moms, adoptive moms, and the child will all have gains and losses when the adoption happens.  The training was about how to support the child when they are happy for the life they have but long to know about the life they had before. But, it also validated that it is okay to feel sad and happy at the same time. It is okay to be excited about the adoption and path we are on and feel sad for the path we can’t have.

God has a plan. A plan bigger than what we can imagine. We are thankful for the plan, thankful for each other, and thankful for the support from all of you!

Feel free to share our blog and gofundme account.

If you have any ideas for fundraisers and would like to help us, please feel free to contact me!