Monday, October 31, 2016

Adoption Awareness Month Begins

We are shocked.
Our Pumpkin Glow Bake sale raised over... wait for it..... $1,300!

This has been our best fundraiser yet.

We had 15 bakers for this event. We had 8 helpers the day of the events.

What was sold? Hot Dogs, Chips, Cookies, Popcorn, Brownies, Popcorn, Hot Chocolate, and Candy.

We were blessed with great weather this weekend and a tent to shield us from the wind.

What is the most amazing thing about this event? Community. Michelle (I) was not among the bakers or helpers. I drove around and collected items but when it came down to it, I was home recovering from surgery. I couldn't say thank you to each person that dropped items off at to sell. I couldn't say thank you to each person that set up and helped at the event. I couldn't help. For me, that is hard.
But with this awesome community around us, this fundraiser was a huge success!

November is Adoption Awareness Month. I will be sharing facts and information about what adoption is and how it works all month. We will also be doing a lot of fundraisers this month.

Who are the children that are adopted? Although the typical profile of child varies depending on the country you are adopting from, on average, most children are boys and girls between 2-3 years old at the time they arrive home. In 2015, 75 percent of children placed through Holt International had some special needs, whether minor or correctable, considered healthy in the US, or more moderate.  (

Please save the date: November 16th: Warwick Burger Night. $1 from every burger sold will go to baby campbell. (Local to Hummelstown PA)

We've been given an amazing opportunity to be a feathered family for this cape and dress sale! How cure are there?!?! Take a look at the link below and select "Creating the Campbells" in the dropdown menu if you are interested in ordering! These would also make a GREAT Christmas gift for the Superhero or Princess in your life!

We are looking forward to both fundraisers for different reasons. The burger night will be so fun to get together with friends and build our village for Baby Campbell and the capes and dresses are a great way to get everyone involved. Please share the links to friends and family that you think may be interested. The more sharing we have the more successful this will be!

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